Monday 28 July 2008

Total Eclipse!

On Friday, 1st August 2008, there is going to be a total eclipse of the sun. Unfortunately, you will need to be in the arctic or northern china to see it, but most people in Europe should be able to see a partial eclipse. You can see an image of the path that the full eclipse will take here:

This photo of the 1999 eclipse was by Luc Viatour.

If you aren't in the right part of the world to see this one yourself, there are websites that will be showing the full eclipse. Scientific American has lots more details here:

If you are eclipse watching, remember not to look directly at the sun, especially through binoculars! For safe ways to view the eclipse, have a look here:

This is a photo by NASA was taken from the Mir space station of the Aug. 11, 1999 eclipse.

An eclipse of the sun happens when the path of the moon takes it directly between the earth and the sun. Essentially, the earth passes through the shadow of the moon. This is different to a lunar eclipse, when the moon passes through the shadow of the earth.

The shadow you can see is the area labelled the umbra in the diagram to the left. In this shadow is where you can see a total eclipse. Outside the umbra, in the penumbra, is where you will see a partial eclipse. If you have protective glasses, you should see a crescent shaped sun.

Happy watching!

Sunday 27 July 2008

Men on the moon again?

The US seems to be planning it, but it will be a while before it happens:

NASA are planning "moon town" and hope to start construction within a decade. The first residents are due to move in 2024, if all things go according to plan.

Friday 11 July 2008

The Colour of Light

If you are like me, then you were probably taught in school that there are three primary colours: red, yellow and blue. So why do TVs and computer screens use red, green and blue? And why does the office printer use CYMK (cyan, yellow, magenta and key)? And isn't light a spectrum anyway?

To answer the last question first; yes, light is a spectrum. Light is part of the electro-magnetic spectrum like microwaves, radio waves and x-rays that all have different wave lengths. Visible light (to the human eye) has wave lengths between about 400 and 700 nanometres (one nanometre is 0.000 000 001 metres). The longer the wave length, the more red the light seems (shorter wave length look more blue).

The three colours concept is partly to do with our eyes. We see colour through 'cone cells' on our retinas. Humans have three types of cone cells that respond to three different wave lengths, and our brain combines the responses from all three types to determine the colours in between. We can use this knowledge of how the eye works to trick our brains into seeing the whole spectrum by using just three colours.

For additive colours, like TVs, the three best colours for allowing us to see the whole spectrum are red green and blue. TVs are called additive colours because the produce the specific wave lengths that our eyes respond to, and by adding our response to each wave length together, we see the colour in the middle. For example, if we are seeing yellow on a TV, the TV is actually emitting red light and green light. This is picked up by our red and green cones, and our brain interprets the two signals by perceiving yellow (which is in between red and green on the spectrum). If the TV emits all three at once, then all the cones are reacting, and we perceive white.

Printers, on the other hand, use subtractive colours: the pigments absorb light of different wave lengths to produce different colours. Normal daylight contains the whole spectrum of colours, and the pigments absorb specific bits of the spectrum. For example, if a pigment absorbed more blue light than any other wave length, then when we look at that pigment, the cones that respond to blue won't react, but the ones that respond to red and green will, and we will see yellow. If you then add in a pigment that absorbs red light (which by itself would look green-blue or cyan), then only the cones that respond to green will react. So if you mix a yellow pigment and a cyan pigment, you get green. Magenta is a pigment that absorbs green. If you mix all three pigments, all the light should be absorb, producing black. In reality, it is almost impossible to produce black through mixing three pigments like that, so K (just a black pigment) used by printers for better efficiency.

So what of red yellow and blue? According to the wikipedia page ( , they where historically used from the 18th century. Although because bright greens are hard to produce with red, yellow and blue pigments, green was also often used as primary colour. Similarly, black and white were (are) also often used as primary colours too.

Windows that produce electricity

Ok, so it's not quite there yet, but this article( shows that the technology may be on its way!

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Singing icebergs

Hi Guys! It's been a while since my last post, sorry. I do have another post in the works, but it's not quite ready yet. In the mean time, here is an interesting article on singing icebergs.